Wheel in the Sky

We made our way back over to the area where we had had our epic breakfast. This is adjacent to the Linq Hotel. It’s sort of a wide alleyway that runs behind the main strip. There are some familiar brands and stores here dotted in between pubs along with some smaller casino rooms.

Place your bets while you wait for your guinness to settle.

Sprinkle cupcakes! Never had ’em.

Our main reason for lingering here was to ride this:

The High Roller!

This is currently the World’s Largest Ferris Wheel. It stands 550 feet tall and moves so slowly its rotation is nearly imperceptible. I takes a full thirty minutes to make it all the way ’round. We wanted our “ride” to coincide with sunset, so we had a little bit more time to linger. We found some live music to while away!

These guys were…okay.

It was getting near time to board our sky cab (my term, they can use it if they wish). You can spend extra cheese to get a booze package but we decided to not get ripped. Instead we just brought a cocktail on board, which you are allowed to do, thank goodness.

Two gin and tonics to go, please!

Time to load in. I said earlier that the cars move glacially slow, however, they seem to boogie when your trying to hop on and not spill a drop of your G&T .

Steady now.

Screens all around running stats and facts about the High Roller.

A look back at the Linq.

Away we go!

Monorail zooming by!

Mountains, pretty in pink.

Timing was working out just swell.

Views were spectacular!

The cars could hold up to forty people. On this night it was pretty slow so instead of being elbow to elbow with thirty eight people we just rode awkwardly with these guys…

Juuuust the four of us.

It would have been better to be with the throngs of people, honestly. We made some stilted small talk. If it were just the two of us it would have been terribly romantic. There could have been a respectable amount of canoodling involved, but no. we just rode silently. Boo!

Getting some nice views of the Flamingo (I think?) hotel.

At the tippy top now!

The lights are on!

Changing colors.

Yeah, it was the Flamingo.

And down we go.

Back down on terra firma. Things are hoppin’!

Ain’t she a beaut all lit up?

Our gargantuan breakfast was finally wearing off. We landed at a fine spot for dinner. Getting off the strip made a huge difference in price!

Pizza and beer for the low low price of not an arm and a leg.

Vegas local beer.

We bellied up to the bar.

This place had a peele.

More salad for the fiber….and cheese.

This pizza was like a dream!

You may assume that this would be the end of our day in Vegas, but you’d be wrong, my friend! I had secured tickets for a show! No, not a racy burlesque type deal, (I should say if you should research any of those, they’ll show up in your newsfeed for weeks) but a Cirque Du Soleil. We had seen one before in Orlando and were blown away by it. This iteration is called “O” and is located at the Bellagio Hotel.

A glimpse of the Bellagio. We’ll be spending more time here later.

The Theahtah!

This was a nice sized arena where there really wasn’t a bad seat in the house. However, we had amazing seats!

Gorgeous surroundings.

Front and center.

Unfortunately, there was no photography allowed durning the show. I take that back, it was fortunate because I could focus and be present for the most amazing spectacle I’ve ever witnessed. In addition to the artistry and athleticism of these fantastic performers, there is the added element of water. It’s not just a pool in the middle of a stage like an old Esther Williams flick either. There is an elaborate stage that waxes and wanes between a completely dry stage and a complicated series of diving pools.  Below is a video preview:

I was so intrigued about how they made this happen. Performers would emerge right out of the pools as if they were living under water. Turns out that they have a whole crew of divers feeding performers oxygen throughout the show.  I found this short behind the scenes video. Amazing!

Beleive it or not, it was still pretty early but we were good boys and girls and went back to our room with no nightcap. We had a very big day ahead of us tomorrow!

Good night, mon cheri!

Up Next: Yowza! That’s one big hole in the ground. 


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